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There is no difference between science and technology they are the same science has to do with scientific study of inquiry about nature while on the other hand technology has to do with science of creativity and productivity
added by 1001277811 174 days ago 1    0

Salut à tous. La technologie et la science sont deux thèmes très proche l'un de l'autre . Si la science est une étude qui est basé sur sur différents phénomène du monde,la technologie elle est un l'ensemble des résultats issus de la science. voilà en vrai pourquoi de nos jours on attend dire que la technologie prend de plus en plus de la valeur et entrain la diminution de la valeur accordé à la science. Merci a tous.
added by 1001258295 640 days ago 3    0

Now, by definition, we have science as the knowledge about the structure and behavior of the natural and physical world, based on facts that you can prove. Technology, on the other hand is the use of scientific knowledge.
added by RWABI KWESIGA MYRES AMOOTI 646 days ago 3    0

Is there a difference between science and technology, as they may be used interchangeably

I have been wondering if there is a specific difference between science and technology in this world. Those who invented different kinds of gadgets are called scientists but I thought that was a new technology by then. Then scholars who developed digital currency are called the experts of new technology.
May I say that science is over and there is only technology or the word science was removed and replaced by the word technology. Some one advise on this.

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I think they are similar. Science is the study of life elements and technology may be the implementation of science
added by Anonymous 476 days ago 1    0