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Both the hardware and software being the two main components of the computer system are indeed very good without them computer will not perform effectively.
added by 1001277811 166 days ago 1    0

Some learners lean about computer programming while others specialize on software engineering.
It is possible that some people can do both
added by Anonymous 468 days ago 1    0

We are glad that we have lived in a generation to witness these tremendous changes
added by 1001259154 619 days ago 2    0

Generally speaking the manufacturer of the computer hardware doesn't have to be the same person who makes the software. Even in the computer there are different components made by different manufacturers.
added by Anonymous 638 days ago 4    0

The hardware computer is wonderful and the computer software does lots

The hardware computer is wonderful and the computer software does lots of gimmicks. Does it mean the person who worked on the hardware and assembled it to look beautiful the way it looks is the same person who designed the software that runs computer programmes.
And now if the person who makes program wasn't available would we have the computers in place. May be he is the same person. Please advise on that.

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