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As long as the earth remaineth poor people will still remain too.Not everyone have had about this opportunity for the first time in their life.
added by 1001277811 239 days ago 1    0

Oui il y aura des pauvres surtout pour ceux qui n'ont pas investi dans le projet yem
added by Anonymous 507 days ago 2    0

That is the way of the world. There will always be rich people and poor people. We all can not be the same. Just try to be on the right side, at the right time, at the right place.
added by Anonymous 517 days ago 2    0

As usual probably there are some who will still remain poor due luck of information on verrious opportunities like YEM. Some may still remain poor due to personal poor mind set of not easily recognizing an opportunity and immediately take advantage of it.others may remain poor due to difference environmental factors
added by Anonymous 525 days ago 2    0

It was ever like that poor and rich we have leaving
So no one can doubt about it
added by 1001062518 526 days ago 3    0

In every generation there has been poor people and rich people even in this 21st century if you don't have enough information of what is going on it's high time to do the needful inorder not to be left behind.
added by Anonymous 527 days ago 3    0

Will there be poor people also in this coming mighty year of abundance 2023?

2023 is ayear of abundance I wonder if there will be poor people also like in the past years where the world's riches belong to acertain group of people. This is acall to humanity that please be vigilant try to look for information collect and gather all the necessary assets to secure your future. Don't be left behind as the whole world is sharing the riches of the earth that is non other than the first legal digital rainbowcurrency (yem!)

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