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Immediately I received money from yem foundation I will try to invest it in assets so that it will yield more money.
added by 1001277811 242 days ago 1    0

I will use a portion of my funds on internet-based promotions of my We Share Success affiliate links.
added by Anonymous 511 days ago 2    0

asset is anything that brings money in your pocket
added by Iwan Munawar 511 days ago 3    0

I urge all of you safezone members, after receiving our had toiled money let's, not waste it in luxurious things .let's know how to sacrifice for tomorrow otherwise good luck.
added by Anonymous 512 days ago 3    0

What do you do the moment you receive money from yem foundation?

The problem is not that people are poor. It's that people don't know how to use money.we need to master the saving of our money in assets., Few people understand the basics of assets and liabilities. An asset is anything that brings money in your pocket .; ,, aLiability is anything that takes money out of your pocket. Some youth when ever they receive money they buy nice clothes , laptops, cars travel expensive etc we need to have some little financial displine, "if you want to be rich for generations ,you must know the difference between an asset and aliability . You must know something of value and something of no value.

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