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The advancement in technology implies a lot of things, in the first place we all know that the world is a global village and many other things it means.
added by 1001277811 245 days ago 1    0

To display some information to whole world or people
added by 1001271327 383 days ago 2    0

Advancement in technology has made the world a global village, that means there is cross boarder and even there is one currency which will make the world as one. That will make every thing simplified with technology and what we should do is to embrace technology .nice time
added by 1001098163 430 days ago 2    0

T technological advancement leads to: life simplicity, high gains in all sots of ventures, opens a wider range of job opportunities and allows more people to excercise talents.
added by 1000932126 489 days ago 2    0

It means easy life,
Technology has simplified thing you can do whatever you want to do even when you are sleeping in your room e.g making a transaction using your phone making order and attending meetings.
added by Anonymous 494 days ago 2    0

Technology improves performance
Leads to exponential financial growth
Brings services nearer to the people
added by Anonymous 498 days ago 2    0

It means that the more technology advances the more easier people will have searvices at ease .let it be communication, Agriculture, transport and all sectors at large.each gets developed respectively hence increasing people's standards of living.
added by PAUL TUMWEBAZE 498 days ago 2    0

It means easy life. Technology has simplified things you can do whatever you want to do even when you are sleeping in your making atransaction using your phone making orders or attending meetings.
added by Anonymous 498 days ago 3    0

Advancement in technology is so important because we can connect with friends and family efficiently
added by Anonymous 498 days ago 3    0

Advancement to me
Means move from a lower lover to any upper level level let's say like in technology like the following statement reasons
1) an advancement from 3G to 4G as far as telecommunication is concerned.
2) an advancement from non android phones to ao android technology.
3) an advancement from analog Television to DIGITAL television and smart tv.

added by 1000948034 499 days ago 5    0

What does advancement in technology mean to you?

Today the world is aglobal stage. Aperson can live in us well as in Uganda. The world is controlled as one country.the world today has no boundaries. All boundaries of the countries mean nothing to business people. The world is borderless. What makes the world one global stage is simply the dollars we use, the internet, English and phones. All these are cross borders with no permission. Many telecommunication companies have invented mobile money and people are now doing business on mobile money. You can make business on phone and advertise your new products by sending sms to your friends. You can make website hosting ,zoom and Google meet. You can also deal in software of computers. There are too many businesses that have appeared as a result of technological advancement. So as you lag behind, the world must be leaving you. There fore, to live successfully,we need to learn to use the new advancement of technology that is availed to us.

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