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That is a true saying to be wealthy is far better than to be rich. This is because a wealthy may not easily go down again but when someone is financially rich, one problem may come and get him financially down again.
added by 1001277811 247 days ago 3    0

There is abig difference between having money and being wealth. To be rich is the mindset of someone and it's along term process. but to have money is instant you can get adeal get instant money you chop it and go back to zero.
added by 1001271327 380 days ago 3    0

Having money does not mean that you are rich because most people have money in the bank so it means that when ever he or she gets a problem thats mean that money will be spent on the problems only hence not being on part of those that are rich
added by Anonymous 470 days ago 4    0

Having money doesn't mean that you are rich,exactly you should have some assets which will increase your income
added by 1000936141 475 days ago 4    0

Having money doesn't mean you are reach but having assets that increase in their value with time like land... Or even digital assets like yem currency...then you can be considered rich.
added by Anonymous 476 days ago 5    0

Take an example, gold has been discovered from your land and you are given money, having such money don't mean that you are wealth.

added by Anonymous 481 days ago 5    0

Having money doesn't mean that you are rich.

There is abig difference between having money and being wealth. To be rich is the mindset of someone and it's along term process. but to have money is instant you can get adeal get instant money you chop it and go back to zero.

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