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Digital transformation is the era in which we are now as long as we are in the era of digital world. It does not discriminate the age. Any age is liable to partake in it.
added by 1001277811 252 days ago 3    0

I agree because even a young of ten years if he or she can read also participate bin all activities and collects free yem for the future untill he reaches the exact years of verification and owns his free yem in plenty.
added by Anonymous 362 days ago 4    0

When we are in struggle to preach the gospel of digital transformation we find a challenge of some grown up individuals saying that digital era is for young ones. This has left many not joining this project (Unicorn project). They pretend to be outdated and not capable o
added by 1001271327 379 days ago 4    0

It exercise democracy ,and human rights where everyone has aright to information.
added by Anonymous 434 days ago 5    0

Digital transformation does not discriminate the age, marrital status, gender or education status.

When we are in struggle to preach the gospel of digital transformation we find a challenge of some grown up individuals saying that digital era is for young ones. This has left many not joining this project (Unicorn project). They pretend to be outdated and not capable of doing digital transactions. So, refuse to grab this chance when its still available. This type of thinking will make them face the future with alot of struggling and lamentations.

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