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My point is that it will be every difficult for those two children to check up because so are doing business others farming and others are studying at home
added by Anonymous 712 days ago 0    0

My point is that it will be every difficult for those two children to check up because so are doing business others farming
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

As for me i see that some children who have got a chance to learn using the television have at least got a chance to get the teaching capacity of other teachers from different good participating schools.
added by 1001108090 1354 days ago 1    0

It is going to be a challenge for both the children and teachers to move together due to that difference which has been in. The lives and health too for both teachers and children will be at risk of being infected with the virus due to high congestion in schools. Management of these children will also be hard for the teachers. The government of Uganda will also fail to support all these schools in the country since it recquires alot of funds in handling the Covid-19 SOPs.
added by 1001047350 1357 days ago 0    0

As I talk now, about 10% of the students are pregnant already in my home country uganda. So a full year without children not attending school, am seeing a ln increased level of school droop out considering the increased level of poverty that some parents can fail to support their children bck into schools.
added by 1000913115 1357 days ago 0    0

those who are not learning they are going to find a hard time to pick or to sat exam than those who where learning through internet
added by Anonymous 1357 days ago 0    0

Because of corona virus and the lockdown schools are closed and then what will happen when schools a

Since corona virus schools are closed and many students are at home I was asking my self what will happen to those children when they go back to school may some of them are learning at home but others are not. My point is that it will be every difficult for those two children to check up because so are doing business others farming and others are studying at home.

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Though schools were closed during lockdowns associated with the pandemic of covid 19, but learning never stopped and only in few countries with poor planners who had no solutions for the smooth learning of children during lockdown periods are the one's to be affected by deteriorating performance of learning levels among children as a result of those who were able to learn with online studies and those who were not able due to various factors.
added by Anonymous 1035 days ago 0    0

There will be distortion. Many students will be in confusion and there will be parental confusion also. With Corona virus delaying school programs, education is badly affected and the adoption of YEM as Cryptocurrency will alleviate the malaise.
added by 1000114031 1354 days ago 0    0