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math dots, and teaching them the alphabet at a very early age will result in a smarter, faster to learn child.
added by Anonymous 716 days ago 0    0

Teaching children how to read every day helps in their development in many ways.
It helps a child get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills. learn to value books and stories
spark the child's imagination and stimulate curiosity
help develop your child's brain, ability to focus, concentration, social skills and communication skills
help your child learn the difference between real and make-believe. helps your child understand new or frightening events, and the strong emotions that come with them. help your child learn about the world, their own culture and other cultures. Your child will learn by watching you hold a book the right way and seeing how you move through the book by gently turning pages and they will be able to do the same.
added by Anonymous 823 days ago 0    0

I agree because we mothers WD are the first teacher of our children ounce you ignore them in their first times then after expect challenges and defeat.
added by Anonymous 1219 days ago 0    0

Teaching your children to read from childhood makes them gwow up when they like it and becames easier as they grow with the culture of reading.
One of our present day difficulties to cope in the information era mostly in Africa we were not brought into developing reading culture as of great importance in our day to day living. Thus left behind because we lack information.
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 1    0

I think it is good afterall they will eventually need to learn that skill in life because it is so essential in all aspects of life nowonder even the Bible and Qu'ran is in written literature.
added by 1000987739 1352 days ago 2    0

I learnt that charity begins from home,and l learned reading by my mother before going to school, and that is exactly what l do to my kids.
What l experienced is that when a child understands reading, other things are just like eating staple foods
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1356 days ago 4    0

Yes If u have enough time to attend to him or her better that way because practice brings in perfection .
By the time she or he goes to school it will be revision just .
added by Anonymous 1356 days ago 4    0

i think it is good afterall they will eventually need to learn that skill in life because it is so essential in all aspects of life nowonder even the Bible and Qu'ran is in written literature
added by Anonymous 1356 days ago 4    0

Education to me should be aright to everyone however not all education systems work for everyone and it also depends on which kind of education are you offering and to who
added by 1000965722 1356 days ago 5    0

Should you teach your toddler to read?

Older babies and toddlers enjoy being read a story in your lap, but they have a tremendous capacity and desire to learn. Showing them flashcards, math dots, and teaching them the alphabet at a very early age will result in a smarter, faster to learn child.

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