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Why YEM is the digital currency of the future and what great advantages it has for companies and individuals.
added by Anonymous 704 days ago 1    0

Yem was designed as a substitute to fiat currencies with an eco system within the safezone under the international border of directors which regulates, represents and protects YEM and there's a provision of tax payments for governments and YEM currency under the YEM Foundation is authority friendly and hence giving YEM an opportunity to be accepted as a substitute to fiat globally.
added by Anonymous 1021 days ago 1    0

Yes because they are already laying down strategies on how to manage and control crypto currency. And it's a currency which is confirmed by UN and IMF
added by 1001049030 1335 days ago 2    0

The government should automatically allow YEM as a replacement because it's growing at high speed after every second.
It's internet is easy to use.
There no company which can pay as much as YEM does.
It will also reduce traffic congestion in Banks all-over the world
YEM is easy to manage and it's secure.
added by 1001052118 1341 days ago 4    0

That will work for many Governments because yem has security whereby no hacker or scammer can penetrate into someone's account
added by 1001049122 1341 days ago 4    0

Yes this has to has to happen in order to emphasize the crypto currency in their country in order to have a high value exchange of money for their own good.
added by 1001108989 1342 days ago 5    0

Of course the government must accept YEM as the replacement of Fiat money because YEM is the future & it gains more value than the Fiat money.
added by 1001111125 1342 days ago 6    0

Governments can accept YEM as a substitute for fiat money of course yessssssssssssssssssssssssss they just need to open the eyes and see how easy the taxes are collected and many good things of Yem
added by 1000982144 1342 days ago 7    0

It's because the economy of the world has been disrupted gorvments have seen Yem as only money can lift their economies and easy to collect in terms of tax.
added by 1001031254 1342 days ago 9    0

Most of the governments can accept YEM as a substitute for fiat money because yem was made as a virtual currency for buying goods and services and it's stable which is gaining value at a high rate due to the increased demand
added by Anonymous 1342 days ago 8    0

The government should accept digital currency as payment, especially The Rainbow Currency ( YEM ) It is government compliant, obeying rules and policies . Supported by all legal documents.
added by Anonymous 1342 days ago 8    1

Governments can 100% accept YEM as their digital reservation currency because YEM is gold it's standard is much far better than any other digital currency. YEM has all qualities of real currency since everyone can be able to exchange it for goods and services
added by 1000918957 1342 days ago 12    0

Governments can accept YEM as a substitute for fiat money.

Why governments are accepting the digital currency YEM as a fiat money replacement. More and more governments worldwide are planning to create their own digital currencies. Read here why governments can accept the digital currency YEM as a replacement for fiat money. Why YEM is the digital currency of the future and what great advantages it has for companies and individuals.
Yem provides room for government to collect tax
Yem is secured on Safezone which is so secure.
Yem doesn't allow anoymity like other cryptocurrencies

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