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Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder that affects connective tissue — the fibers that support and anchor your organs and other structures in your body. Marfan syndrome most commonly affects the heart, eyes, blood vessels and skeleton
added by Anonymous 716 days ago 0    0

When it comes to scientists these one next to God ounce they say something to life it means alot, and most of the time they try the best to see that they can save someone but they give up on you it means yuo are done,.
added by Anonymous 1219 days ago 0    0

Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder that affects connective tissue — the fibers that support an

Scientists believe that tall people from 7 feets upwards normally don't live up to 60 years of age be because they affected by Marfan syndrome which their lives to death. False or true? Marfan syndrome is an inherited disorder that affects connective tissue — the fibers that support and anchor your organs and other structures in your body. Marfan syndrome most commonly affects the heart, eyes, blood vessels and skeleton

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