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Of a truth digestion of food takes place in two different categories one takes place in the mouth through physical means another one takes place in the stomach through chemical means.
added by 1001277811 152 days ago 1    0

Digestion starts in the mouth and ends in the stomach. True it starts by chewing food which is eventually softened by saliva and acted on by salivary amylase an enzyme which acts on food in the mouth. Then food is swallowed into the stomach where hydrochloric acid acts kills unwanted germs in the food. Then a wide range of enzymes acts on proteins, starch, to produce vital end products which are absorbed in the small intestines and the fecal residue is expelled through the anus.
added by Anonymous 357 days ago 1    0

Digestion starts in the mouth and ends in the stomach.

Digestion happens in two major form.There is physical or mechanical digestion that happens in the mouth by teeth( chewing) and the rest part of digestion takes place in the stomach by specialized chemicals known as enzymes

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