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Two things that contribute immensely to the digestion of food is teeth and enzymes an enzymes called ptyalin helps to digest food in the mouth with the aids of saliva.
added by 1001277811 152 days ago 1    0

Les dents mastique la nourriture et tout au long du tube digestif le bol alimentaire est au fur et à mesure en contact avec les enzymes digestives qui le digére!
added by 1001059564 664 days ago 3    0

What aids digestion to successfully occur are teeth and enzymes

Without teeth in the mouth, physical digestion can't happen there and the absence of these chemicals named enzymes from the stomach, a successful digestion can not take place.
They are so important in this very important process .Teeth simplifies complex food substances into simpler one that can be accessible to enzymes for final products

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