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Most of the advanced countries do give their citizens order not to litters their environment through waste papers.
added by 1001277811 153 days ago 1    0

Some of the countries will give an order for their people not to litter the papers to protect the environment, I am not sure how the paper we use for writing on can destroy the environment since it can easily be destroyed by mere pouring water. For the case of plastics and other polyurethane materials I would say they cannot be rotten, but how a mere paper affects the environment. I need
added by 1001271327 355 days ago 3    0

Some countries you go to will tell you, don't litter the paper

Some of the countries will give an order for their people not to litter the papers to protect the environment, I am not sure how the paper we use for writing on can destroy the environment since it can easily be destroyed by mere pouring water. For the case of plastics and other polyurethane materials I would say they cannot be rotten, but how a mere paper affects the environment. I need more advice on that.

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