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There is a political crisis globally in all countries as a result of that no country is in peace with each other just imagine the war between Russia and Ukraine and the recent one now between Israel and Hamas all resulting to global crisis.
added by 1001277811 170 days ago 1    0

Each party wants to win. Others are cheating and uses weapons for harassments just to win. Globally elections are all the same situations
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 3    0

In politics ever you expect lots of opposition, you cannot expect all the countries having 100% peace, ever in life there is a lot of disagreement, even in families, working places and the rest, politics will be everywhere.
There is no way how you will ever live without politics.
added by 1001242910 651 days ago 5    0

May be we are looking at things from a different angle. Because let us use this very example of Kenya, now being rich doesn't mean that you can not be cheated. And of course when you get grievances you run to court of law.
added by Anonymous 652 days ago 6    0

Elections is a dirty game. Each party wants to win. Others are cheating and uses weapons for harassments just to win. Globally elections are all the same situations.
added by Anonymous 652 days ago 5    0

what is happening currently in politics globally!

i could imagine that politicians are copying one another way of reacting to defeat in an election.
if this has meaning or its a way of removing shame from oneself or showing strength even after defeat, one cannot comprehend. recently in an election in usa one rubbished the results that were announced refusing blacks to rule America upto demonstrations in the senate building when sessions were going on.
plus so many others that have happened and now yester in kenya that the poor cannot lead so the rich will go to court. really, is this the direction of politics we must take as we preach democracy in this digital century!!


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