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Most of the African countries are not in unity at all. As a result of that causing them to remain poor and poor on daily basis
added by 1001277811 170 days ago 1    0

its true dis unity among east african countries is at high rate cuz of greed for wealth menrals en may be power en development
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 3    0

The main problem of the black race in general and particularly African community is the problem of disunion, selfishness and jealousy. This what explain that African countries are still lagging behind after sixty years of so called independence. African countries are not able to create a unique market and speak of one voice in order to be strong. Every country is happy to be micro country incapable to struggle the big entities. What a pity !
added by 1000083374 569 days ago 4    0

: Explanation: Perhaps the most obvious drawback of national unity governments is that they weaken the function and effectiveness of governments by introducing veto players within the executive. Even routine decisions can devolve into a Machiavellian game of chess among fier
added by Anonymous 618 days ago 5    0

Disunity doesn't make only Africans poor but even other individuals elsewhere in the world and not only in political positions but also in other communities, even if you are working with a non African and you don't work as a team ever whatever you do will not last and eventually won't yield anything.
added by 1001242910 650 days ago 6    0

its true dis unity among east african countries is at high rate cuz of greed for wealth menrals en may be power en development
added by 1001254732 650 days ago 6    0

Unity is a very powerful weapon to fight against poverty. When you are united you are powerful,and nothing can defeat you. That's why God confused the people of Babel with different languages. He didn't want them to be so powerful.
added by Anonymous 650 days ago 7    0

Yes, we all need peace. Peace within ourselves, in our families, in our community and our country. We need peace in the whole World but I can assure you that as long as the devil is in control of this World, there will be no peace.
added by Anonymous 651 days ago 8    0

Disunity will make most african countries poor especially EA

Some african presidents have tried to fight for peace in their countries but totally they have failed to reach at that level they need
Now it's time for East African countries to work as a community inorder to promote peace among their countries
Thanks goes to those leaders who have tried to promote peace in their countries

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