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Individuals difference is not the same what I like may be what another person hate as a result of that it can cause differences in many ways.
added by 1001277811 170 days ago 1    0

It's true because were created with different ideas and we gather different data from different places and process it differently.
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 3    0

It's true because politic is a dirty it's very hard to say that am done with politic either you won the game or they have defented you , you can't stop it and it is wastage of time to same people
added by Anonymous 637 days ago 6    0

We are all different from one another. I mean, we were created with different ideas and we gather different data from different places and process it differently.
added by Anonymous 637 days ago 6    0

Political differences is something you won't avoid in our lives

There are some things that you won't avoid that creates differences in communities, in families, in schools and even at working places.
You find one person is supporting some political party and another also supports another party. This creates a big difference and may even cause conflicts among the work mates or family.

How do you vote?

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