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Colonialism is a slavery.African countries are under slavery from their colonial masters.Mostly Britain France and some other western world colonized African.
added by 1001277811 205 days ago 1    0

Take an example of Uganda where it's the European Parliament to decide whether they extract their own oil or not. So is Uganda independent or indirectly still under colonialism?
Another situation is what the IMF decides you have to comply with it because these countries need money from the IMF so it's as if they govern these countries. Now is the African countries independent or still under colonialism?
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 3    0

Yes they are still colonized like us in Uganda because we still benefit from them. For example we still worship their religions and we still benefit from their fundings
added by Anonymous 559 days ago 3    0

Living in a world where only the profit and the capital guides every individual and nation and being an African living in the era of internet, we as African have been long time lied to have our independence but when one look at it deeply we finally discover that nothing have been done so far and African Youth need to redefine its goals for a better Africa.
added by 1000083374 569 days ago 3    0

We Africans we are still coloniesed by ather countries and that's why we're still moving backwards please
added by JOSEPH KULE 569 days ago 3    0

The truth is that most of all the African countries are still colonised becouse they dnt hve to make disitions and next is that due to poverty they will always plied to those collonal masters
added by Anonymous 569 days ago 3    0

Some African countries are still colonized

Yes this is true that most of the African countries are still colonized by their previous colonial masters.
Most of the they do not make decisions on their own and others still follow the leadership structures of their colonial masters. Take an example of Uganda where it's the European Parliament to decide whether they extract their own oil or not. So is Uganda independent or indirectly still under colonialism?
Another situation is what the IMF decides you have to comply with it because these countries need money from the IMF so it's as if they govern these countries. Now is the African countries independent or still under colonialism?

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