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If that is the case, Uganda have to stop other countries from penetrating into their country especially those countries affected by Ebola virus some years ago.
added by 1001277811 195 days ago 1    0

Ebola outbreak in Uganda has caused a lot of fear and panic mostly among health workers and members of the public because of the virulence of this hemorrhagic fever. When health workers just hear that a case of Ebola is on the Ward, some start looking for excuses to help them stay safe from the Ward having the patients with Ebola fearing to contract the deadly hemorrhagic fever. Even members of the public fear the disease. This disease has killed several health workers while they are carrying out their duties. Signs include oozing blood through body orifices, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite. Hygiene and hand washing plus use of mask.
added by Anonymous 343 days ago 2    0

Ebola outbreak in Uganda has caused much panic especially in the health sector and entire country

Uganda is a landlocked country surrounded by many states and its a member of the East African community among others like DRC Congo, kenya, Bulundi,Rwanda,Sudan, etc. The Ebola out brake in Uganda was due to the inflax of refugees flocking from DRC Congo where the out brake was first reported many years ago.

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Uganda had a system of containing Ebola from the last Ebola infection. Uganda and WHO partnered to control Ebola in Western Africa some years ago. It was the media that was reporting negatively.
added by Anonymous 464 days ago 2    0

Nooooo!! Ebola didn't actually make healthy doctors fear because that's what the Ugandan doctors want always because of allowances they get from such outbreaks. This is evidenced from the COVID-19
added by Anonymous 544 days ago 3    0