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Yes there is need to have more electrolyte than having a leg cramp because electrolyte helps in development of the body system.
added by 1001277811 207 days ago 2    0

Thank you for the information. I have had leg cramps at night for years when I don't drink enough water. Drinking about 6 oz of sparkling soda water with Quinine gives me immediate relief. I will check into electrolytes though. Family members and myself have all had 2 initial COVID vaccines plus two boosters, 3 Moderna and 1 Pfizer myself. None of us have had any side affects whatsoever.
added by Anonymous 515 days ago 3    0

Are there more advantages to having enough electrolytes than suppressing leg cramps?

YES! Having the correct balance of electrolytes has more benefits.
Since I received my 3th covid shot, {which I wish I hadn't got} I started to have heart palpitations (along with other issues) making it very hard to get some rest.

I had seen several videos that talked about the importance of electrolytes, so when I discovered a way to easily get all of them, I knew I wanted to give it a try.

Within 3 days the palpitations were hardly noticeable. It is something I do every day to keep palpitations away.

Do you know anyone who would benefit from this infomation?

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