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In deed Vladimir Putin is the strongest man on earth. He has fought gallantly and won gallantly..
added by 1001277811 239 days ago 3    0

Zelensky has offered "nonnegotiable" conditions to end the war, including more global sanctions against Russia, its removal from U.N. Security Council membership, the recognition of Ukraine's
added by Anonymous 496 days ago 3    0

In my own perspective I believe they have fought so long and there must some intervention being made to end the conflicts .
added by Anonymous 532 days ago 3    0


President Putin said that he is interested in the cessation of fighting in Ukraine, and that all flicts end up in diplomatic negotiations. "Our goal is not to escalate the military conflict, but on the contrary, to end this war, We will strive to put an end to this, and as soon as possible".
The President of Russia called Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu. The two discussed political matters. Mr. Netanyahu duly informed the incumbent Prime Minister Lapid. In my opinion, Putin expects Netanyahu to act as a mediator between the Russians and the Ukrainians and the West in general.

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Esta será una guerra larga que, se complicará cada vez más. No se imaginan lo poligrosa, para el mundo, que será éste conflicto.

added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 431 days ago 3    0

It's too early to think of ending that hostilities because it's not as being portraid to the public. It's a proxy war between West/ Nato and Russia in Ukraine and it's bound to change the world order that's why it's ongoing.
added by Anonymous 487 days ago 3    0

The US just decided to send more missles to Ukraine along with more money. I don't think it will end soon. It will probably get bigger first
added by Anonymous 539 days ago 3    0

Not so sure about Putin's move. Maybe he is bidding for some time before making the next strike. He cannot be trusted that easily.
added by Anonymous 539 days ago 4    0