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I would like the Congress to create a very big impacts to the life of most American citizens. And exposed them to the corruption that is going on in their country.
added by 1001277811 230 days ago 2    0

The House speaker's gavel is now held by a Republican, and with that change will come new priorities, a series of investigations and partisan gridlock
added by Anonymous 482 days ago 3    0

Very happy God is showing his mighty powers to his people .
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 2    0

agreed, Jim Jordan is the best for Speaker of the House. The simple fact he does not want it (yet he would still do a good job) is way better than anything any other candidate has to offer. We need term limits, a balanced budget, and for them to read the bills they sign into law. Bills should only be 10 pages, if you need more than 10 pages, make a new bill for that info. And if a budget does not balance they should take the money they need from their own salaries. See how quick we get a balanced budget every time. Plus they need sponsors like race car drivers, we need to know who exactly is paying them.
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 2    0

That will only happen if we get Jim Jordan as house speaker. I think Kevin talks a good talk but won't walk the walk when we need it the most.
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 3    0

Are you happy there is a new congress in the USA today?

I certainly am. Hopefully the change in leadership will do what is needed to expose the corruption of the current US government leaders.

I hope they take actions to correct the issues and hold people accountable. A large percentage of the people in the current administration should be living in Gitmo.

How do you vote?

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Unfortunately, we live in a corrupted system that in no way shape or form is at all concerned with it's citizenry. Corporations and special interests have bought and paid for all media and government. In order to change the times very big steps have to be taken such as no longer allowing campaign contributions from the pacs, and eliminating or at least completely overhauling the role of lobbyists.
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 3    0