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My from my experience in the above write up, I discovered that something you don't know about will be made known to you when the secret behind it is exposed.
added by 1001277811 224 days ago 1    0

It's time for the truth to be revealed to God's people just keep informed.
added by Anonymous 444 days ago 3    0

Have you see "Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret"?

Dr. Steven Greer, who has briefed Presidents, Heads of State, and CEO's and the public about the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrials has created a documentary about the information that he and over 20 other whistleblowers from the US Government, who disclosed to the world on May 9, 2021 that they had been working with the US Government related to UFO's and extraterrestrial life. The documentary is called, "Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret".

If you have not seen it yet, you can watch it for free on Amazon Prime and and possibly other places.
You can probably find the video from the May 9, 2021 press conference too. They share some of that video in the Unacknowledged documentary.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Personally, i don't believe these weird things happening. These white people have a hidden agenda and evil intentions especially for the black people on this planet, most of these things are just crafted or stage managed to confuse the black people.
Actually, UFOS are just a theory, this is to create fear and inferiority in the black people so that at one time these white people will unleash terror on us. Why is it that only the white man can see such things and not a black man ? Please forgive me, am not being a racist but am being real here !
added by 1001218297 430 days ago 3    0