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Dear Unicron and safezone members it is high time we recruit more members into FYEM and YEM.The more we recruit new members the more we have more FYEM and YEM.
added by 1001277811 229 days ago 3    0

To make the project go to another level of publicity every unicorn member should get get involved in the recruitment of new down lines

added by Anonymous 355 days ago 4    0

Dear Yem holders and unicorn members, you need to triple the effort of recruiting new members in Unicorn Network and Safezone. This will create alot of market for YEM and to market it to the whole world. So, i encourage all Unicornians to wake up and recruit new members as it was in the last four years. Remember this that every person you recruit you get
added by 1001271327 356 days ago 5    0

The work of recruiting new members to safezone and unicorn network should be everyones obligation.

Dear Yem holders and unicorn members, you need to triple the effort of recruiting new members in Unicorn Network and Safezone. This will create alot of market for YEM and to market it to the whole world. So, i encourage all Unicornians to wake up and recruit new members as it was in the last four years. Remember this that every person you recruit you get some commission in form of Yem on every transaction he/she makes every time. So guys wake up and do the needful. Love You All in Jesus' name.

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