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Of a truth to get the tribe of someone else, we have to trace the antecedent of his biological father. This even started from the Bible. Jesus comes from the root of Jesse.
added by 1001277811 228 days ago 2    0

Of course your father's tribe should be his children's
No doubt
added by Anonymous 400 days ago 3    0

Your father's tribe is you tribe,,stop those things of iam half pineapple and half Cabagge.

You find some people act as if they were bewitched. They pretend to be not knowing their original tribes. This is mostly found in families where the father is from a certain tribe different from that of a mother. As yiu know these days, there is alot of inter-marriages in Africa. Now, the children when they grow up while filling some forms from lets say Government, they pretend to be not knowing their original tribes. They forget that their original tribe come from the line of their fathers. Such people should be guided well not to mix tribes. Take it from me that your Father's Tribe is Your Tribe.

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