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Of a truth the invention of guns especially Ak47 has resulted to the death of many people. This is as a result of the improvement of science and technology.
added by 1001277811 244 days ago 3    0

Guns have killed many people than disasters combined because when you look at first world war, second world war, the cold war, the Vietnam war, combined has killed countless number of civilians including mothers and children, the elderly and the army. The Arab spring that led to the removal of Gaddafi of Libya, Mubarak of Egypt, abdalla saleh of Yemen, Saddam of Iraq, and the Taliban in Afghanistan has claimed many people lives and destroyed economy and property.
added by Anonymous 375 days ago 5    0

Much people die in war guns than natural disasters
added by Anonymous 384 days ago 5    0

The invention of guns has led to death of many people better than natural disasters.

The invention of guns especially AK47 has left many lives of people in limbo. Before the invention of these guns many people were being killed by natural disasters like mass wasting, down warping, volcanicity, and to a little extent diseases and famine. But after the invention of guns, people die in mas numbers due to many wars from all over the globe. Forexample the genocide which happened in Rwanda between 1992-1994. The war in Congo which is going on now, war in Ukraine, war in South Sudan, war in Syria and Yemen, and very many was going on around the globe. These wars have claimed alot of people's lives but remember these wars are brought about by the existance of guns.

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According to statistics natural and man made diseases claimed a huge number of people than those killed by guns.
added by Anonymous 416 days ago 4    0