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If the chances of making money in unicorn is by bringing people in, a lot of people will try as much as they could but a times to bring people in into the platform usually become a major problem.
added by 1001277811 231 days ago 2    0

For any revolution , it needs people to support and promote it in order to develop and grow so am very eague to bring like two on board so as to uplift our company . Am very happy also to have a company that deals with the whole , its very great for sure. Urgue members to bring more members to join. Nice time.
added by 1001098163 340 days ago 5    0

The yesterday's invitation webinar

Unicorn members,how was last night's webinar, what were you expecting to hear? Many people were expecting to hear news about the liquidity of yem and they didn't. Madam Cate told us the opportunity called repligold that the more people you invite to join and verify their accounts the more benefits. So use that chance to collect dollars.

How do you vote?

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