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What causes it? The surge is generated by either a direct hit or indirectly striking underground or overhead lines
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

Lightning is the collision of hail particles with other smaller ice particles in a thunderstorm, which results in electrons being transferred from one to the other. The smaller ice particles lose an electron and gain a positive charge during a collision, whilst the hail gains an electron and thus, a negative charge. Due to their differing weights and interactions with the storm updraft, the hail falls towards the bottom of the cloud and the smaller ice particles collect at the top, giving the different areas of the cloud a negative and positive charge, respectively. Once a significant charge difference has built up, there is a rapid discharge of electricity to equalise the charged regions which is known as lightning.
added by Anonymous 809 days ago 0    0

What i know is that heavy rainfall brings lightening, because of its sparks and when it comes we were ad ised to switch off power from the main switch.
added by Anonymous 1206 days ago 1    0

Do you know what causes lightning or no???????

Direct or nearby strikes can cause minor problem or severe disturbances and damage. Lightning produce spikes/surges, over-voltage or power cuts. What causes it? The surge is generated by either a direct hit or indirectly striking underground or overhead lines and transmitting high surge to connected equipment in nearby buildings.

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