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everlasting life., a life of victory, alife of, good health, success. So it's good for. all. to know who God is in their lives. to be successful and live a fulfilled life of glory.
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

Yeah, all things do exist and happen at His command. His Word us powerful and living. Whatever He pleases do happen. We can find peace if we understand that God is God and should be given His position as number one in our lives
added by 1001099711 1326 days ago 2    0

Yes God is the way,the light and the life so u should be on his side 4 you have a good life.u need him in every thing ur doing
added by Anonymous 1326 days ago 2    0

Yes, It's 100 Percent correct because God is one gives life and takes it off from a person.Therefore any person to succeed in life, God should be put first because he has amondateof fulfilling every person's dream.
added by Anonymous 1327 days ago 2    0

One of the greatest miracles in life is for anyperson to know who God is in their life.

The Bible says John 3:16 the world that he gave his only begotten son that who ever believes in him should not perish but have an eternal and everlasting life., a life of victory, alife of, good health, success. So it's good for. all. to know who God is in their lives. to be successful and live a fulfilled life of glory.

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