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trees become very calm and harder would you see that the trees wave their leaves.
This statement buffles me. What is your say?
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

According to research, while trees may not sleep in the same way animals do, they do relax their branches during nighttime, which suggests that yes, trees have activity-rest cycles. These cycles can also vary depending on the tree species. But if resting means sleeping, trees also sleep.
added by Anonymous 809 days ago 0    0

I don't have a direct say that the trees sleep at night but if I think of sleeping as resting then I can say they do sleep at night since most of the activities they perform during the day like photosynthesis do not take place at night so they rest if it's to mean sleeping.
added by Anonymous 1092 days ago 0    0

It is not sleeping but durring the night, all people are i side, no radiation of any kind, winds are not blowing like durring the day.
What i can says trees absorb all the required nutrients durring the night that the day.
added by Anonymous 1202 days ago 1    0

Ofcouse tree do sleep at night because they are living things
And every living thing must rest at some time nomater
added by Anonymous 1220 days ago 1    0

No the trees canot sleep in night.
Biologically, in living things, only animals can sleep but trees canot at all
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 4    0

I don't know whether they sleep or no, the scientists are in good position to tell us that for it's my first time to hear about it.
Some trees give out an a roamer in the night then should I say some sleep day time? God knows and Is yet to reveal this to us
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 4    0

I think it could be true they sleep at night, I never paid attention or knew those signs your friend told you... still though i do know that when it rains over here in the USA, just a short while before it rains (about 30 minutes to 1 hour before the first drops fall) ... some trees turn their leaves upside down... so they catch the water on the underside of the leaf instead of the top normally facing the sunshine. So it's quite possible they get rest during the night time hours... there are other flowers and plants that close up or otherwise change slightly during the nighttime hours too.
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 3    0


Last time a friend told me that during the night trees sleep. In his confirmation, he said that during the night, when you notice, you would see that the trees become very calm and harder would you see that the trees wave their leaves.
This statement buffles me. What is your say?

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This is really not true 100 and 10% because trees never sleep at night because they are always shaking even at night and withering and working
added by Anonymous 1175 days ago 0    0

I can't believe this
Because its actually their time to grow
And how can you know that it is sleeping or not.....
Please prove to us beyond doubt
added by 1000943020 1316 days ago 0    0