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Filling” means freedom – the freedom to make bread a most versatile canvas – for peanut butter, egg salad, and even hotdogs. I think it is.
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

It's something I enjoy making at home and when doing it with your family you will enjoy the mixture altogether with a nice natural drink from fruits
added by 1001249430 716 days ago 0    0

Its nothing but sandwich. The only difference is in the names. They are all filled in-between. However, another difference that is quite noticeable is the density and the taste. I prefer hot dog because it is more filling.
added by 1000851268 1205 days ago 1    0

For me it a sandwich because there is something extra filled in between two or more bread slices. If you go to a restaurant and order a sandwich, you will definitely get one with a filling between slices of bread.
added by Nallaveetil George Varghese 1333 days ago 1    0

Is A Hotdog A Sandwich Or Just Simple Bread

You can’t fight the dictionary. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a sandwich as “two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.” And while describing a wiener as “filling” might seem a bit awkward, it is the generic nature of the term “filling” that allows for such wondrous variety in sandwiches. “Filling” means freedom – the freedom to make bread a most versatile canvas – for peanut butter, egg salad, and even hotdogs. I think it is.

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