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NASA has missiles ready to blast off projected Meteorites towards Earth so do you believe eventually Large Meteorite will come hurling towards the Earth causing disasters?
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

But not all asteroids throughout history have missed. There are obvious craters on Earth (and the moon) that prove a long history of massive objects hitting the planet. The most famous asteroid ever is the one that hit Earth 66 million years ago. The mountain-size asteroid left a crater off the coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula 93 miles (146 kilometers) wide and 12 miles (19 kilometers) deep. Scientists think it created massive tsunamis and threw so much water and dust into the atmosphere that it cut off sunlight, lowered temperatures worldwide and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
added by Anonymous 809 days ago 0    0

But not all asteroids throughout history have missed. There are obvious craters on Earth (and the moon) that prove a long history of massive objects hitting the planet. The most famous asteroid ever is the one that hit Earth 66 million years ago. The mountain-size asteroid left a crater off the coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula 93 miles (146 kilometers) wide and 12 miles (19 kilometers) deep. Scientists think it created massive tsunamis and threw so much water and dust into the atmosphere that it cut off sunlight, lowered temperatures worldwide and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
added by Anonymous 809 days ago 0    0

Most meteorites appear to be fragments of larger bodies called parent bodies.  These could have been small planets or large asteroids that were part of the original solar system.  There are several possibilities as to where these parent bodies, or their fragments, originat
The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.  It consists of a swarm of about 100,000 objects called asteroids.  Asteroids are small rocky bodies with irregular shapes that have a cratered surface.  About 4,000 of these asteroids have been officially classified and their orbital paths are known.  Once they are so classified they are given a name. 

The asteroids are either remnants of a planet that formed in the region between Mars and Jupiter but was later broken up by a collision with another planetary body, or are fragments that failed to accrete into a planet. 
added by Anonymous 1296 days ago 1    0

Will Large Meteorite eventually come Earth's way causing big disaster?

You may have seen it in the movies from Hollywood of Large Meteorite coming towards Earth causing disasters plus Biblical end of the world prophecy predicts it will come as only hope appears to be if NASA has missiles ready to blast off projected Meteorites towards Earth so do you believe eventually Large Meteorite will come hurling towards the Earth causing disasters?

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