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average width of the Great Wall is 5 to 7 meters, which is very insufficient to be able to distinguish it from 384,403 km away.
added by Anonymous 717 days ago 0    0

It has become a space-based myth. The Great Wall of China, frequently billed as the only man-made object visible from space, generally isn't, at least to the unaided eye in low Earth orbit. It certainly isn't visible from the Moon.
You can, though, see a lot of other results of human activity. The visible wall theory was shaken after China's own astronaut, Yang Liwei, said he couldn't see the historic structure. There was even talk about rewriting textbooks that espouse the theory, a formidable task in the Earth's most populous nation. Image to right: This photo of central Inner Mongolia, about 200 miles north of Beijing, was taken on Nov. 24, 2004, from the International Space Station. The yellow arrow points to an estimated location of 42.5N 117.4E where the wall is visible. The red arrows point to other visible sections of the wall.

added by Anonymous 826 days ago 0    0

To see the chinese wall from the moon, first you have to buy a chinese telescope in a chinese shop in the moon.
added by Anonymous 1363 days ago 2    0

The Great Wall of China is the only human construction visible from the Moon

The average width of the Great Wall is 5 to 7 meters, which is very insufficient to be able to distinguish it from 384,403 km away.

The Great Wall of China is the only human construction visible from the Moon, true or false?

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