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It's most likely to impact many lives globally there for I argue all to get on board and.embrace the digital revolution.
added by Anonymous 716 days ago 0    0

Marking the beginning of the 21st century was the rise of a global economy and Third World consumerism, deepening global concern over terrorism after September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and increased private enterprise.The NATO interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq of the early 2000s and overthrowing several regimes during the Arab Spring of the early 2010s led to mixed outcomes in the Arab world, resulting in several civil wars and political instability.The United States has remained the global superpower, while China is now considered an emerging global superpower. In 2017, 49.3% of the world's population lived in "some form of democracy", though only 4.5% lived in "full democracies".The United Nations estimates that by 2050 two thirds of the world's population will be urbanized; an inverse of a century ago when less than one-third lived in cities. The European Union was greatly expanded in the 21st century, adding 13 member states.
added by Anonymous 824 days ago 0    0

This is an era century whereby most of things are changing due to corona virus and everything is becoming smart and digital
added by Anonymous 1363 days ago 2    0

The world on a global stage, despite the many challenges is advancing tremendously when it comes to technology. We are now in an information age that is addressing the need for digital transformation. The earlier one adopts, the better his future will be.
added by Anonymous 1363 days ago 3    0

The 21st century is an era century TRUE OR FALSE

Every century comes differently and in style , but this has come with many economic challenges and with digital migrations and transformations including the pandemic. It's most likely to impact many lives globally there for I argue all to get on board and.embrace the digital revolution.

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