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some scalar energy products, particularly mattresses, have been shown to increase exposure greater than the public dose limit.
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 0    0

Other scalar energy products available are quantum bracelet, quantum watch, quantum flask, quantum vitaman C, quantum shield.
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

Scalar Energy products have been known to improve our health because they make for healthy living especially in places where there is a lot of air pollution. For instance, in the city of Portharcourt, Nigeria, the air we breathe is foul due to suit coming from oil refining activities. Unfortunately, many people here do not know about Scalar Energy Products.
added by 1000851268 1195 days ago 0    0

One of the 2 most notable health benefits are it improves your biofield or overall well being and protects you from radiation emitted by electronic and wifi devices. Other scalar energy products available are quantum bracelet, quantum watch, quantum flask, quantum vitaman C, quantum shield.
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 0    0

Authentic Scalar Energy products are proven to provide amazing health benefits.

I am personally wearing a premium quantum pendant with scalar energy for almost a year now and I can say that my health has improved amazingly. One of the 2 most notable health benefits are it improves your biofield or overall well being and protects you from radiation emitted by electronic and wifi devices. Other scalar energy products available are quantum bracelet, quantum watch, quantum flask, quantum vitaman C, quantum shield.

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