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Yes climate has greatly changed due to burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas for electricity, heat, and transportation is the primary source of human-generated emissions. A second major source is deforestation, which releases sequestered carbon into the air. It's estimated that logging, clearcutting, fires, and other forms of forest degradation release an average of 8.1 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, accounting for more than 20 percent of all global carbon emissions. Other human activities that generate air pollution include fertilizer use, livestock production cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats are major methane emitters, and certain industrial processes that release fluorinated gases. Activities like agriculture and road construction can also change the reflectivity of the earth's surface, leading to local warming or cooling.
added by Anonymous 809 days ago 0    0

Puede ser la causa, pero también se ha puesto en práctica la deforestación donde la mayoría de los bosques más grandes fueron destruidos.
añadido por Anónimo hace 118 días REPORT 1 0
no es diferente mi querida tala de árboles o bosques, si no hubiera como hoy, la explotación es demasiado en esta generación y está aumentando.
Agregado por Anónimo hace 127 días INFORME 3 0
El cambio climático comenzó hace unas décadas. Hasta ahora, los climas eran estables en todas las partes del mundo y eran predecibles. La estación seca y la estación lluviosa en África, mientras que el oeste tuvo primavera, verano, otoño e invierno. Ya no es así estos días. Por ejemplo, este año no hubo harmattan en mi parte de Nigeria y las lluvias nunca cesaron como de costumbre. El mundo debería hacer algo ahora que las cosas se están saliendo de control; incluso si eso significa imponer un cambio de actitud a los países más infractores. W no tenemos otro planeta
added by 1001212990 1086 days ago 1    0

It can be the cause but also defforestation has been put into practice where by most of the biggest forests were destroyed.
added by Anonymous 1204 days ago 2    0

its no different my dear cutting of trees or forests were not there like today exploitation is too much in this generation and its is just increasing
added by Anonymous 1213 days ago 4    0

Climate change began a few decades back. Before now the climates were stable in every part of the world and they were predictable. The dry season and the rainy season in Africa while the west had spring, summer, autumn and winter. It's no longer like that theses days. For example, there was no harmattan in my part of Nigeria this year and the rains never really stopped as it usually did. The world should do something now as things are getting out of hands; even if it means imposing change of attitude on the most offending countries. W we have no other planet.
added by 1000851268 1214 days ago 3    0

Just around the late 1960s, climate was predictable. In some African countries, the normal dry and rainy seasons were predictable, based on the months of the year. In the Western countries, there usually were four clear seasons, Summer, Winter, Autom and Spring. However, time came, from about 2002, when weather and climate changes began to alter the normal seasons. In some parts of African countries, weather surprises began. During a month that is usually characterized with hot or dry season, we began to notice intermittent heavy rains, falling down in quantities similar to the torrents and length of time it used to fall in the rainy season, and coming to the rainy season proper, reverse becomes the case.
added by Anonymous 1214 days ago 3    0

I don't think that climate will go back because we Africans we think after danger but let's pray to God to have mercy never know what tomorrow will bring.
added by Anonymous 1214 days ago 3    0

In many parts of world especially Africa ,people miss use the environment that's why they are experiencing changes in climate.
Please do the same like in past in order to change climate back.
Do afforastration
Stop use of to muchchemicsls becouse your souls is fertile in order to overcome such changes.
added by Anonymous 1218 days ago 6    0

There are so many sides to Climate changes o. This 21st century.

Just around the late 1960s, climate was predictable. In some African countries, the normal dry and rainy seasons were predictable, based on the months of the year. In the Western countries, there usually were four clear seasons, Summer, Winter, Autom and Spring. However, time came, from about 2002, when weather and climate changes began to alter the normal seasons. In some parts of African countries, weather surprises began. During a month that is usually characterized with hot or dry season, we began to notice intermittent heavy rains, falling down in quantities similar to the torrents and length of time it used to fall in the rainy season, and coming to the rainy season proper, reverse becomes the case. Tampering with the ecosystem in form of burning of gases, deforestation, unauthorized refining of crude oil (kpo-fire), excessive use of cabals, and some other chemicals, scientists say, are some of the reasons.

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