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Spirituality and religion are often used interchangeably, but the two concepts are different. Some authors contend that spirituality involves a personal quest for meaning in life, while religion involves an organized entity with rituals and practices focusing on a higher power or God.
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 0    0

Spiritual is the way how you know your GOD individually and to find peace in your while religion is a specific you can say a Christian by the religion

added by 1001234382 685 days ago 0    0

La religion est un ensemble de lois à connotation juridique, communautaire, politique, économique, sociale. Elle organise le vivre ensemble dans le respect d'autrui et des autres créations de la nature. Elle vise à rechercher l'harmonie en normant les attitudes de ceux et celles qui y sont affiliés.
De ce fait, il ne peut pas exister pas de religion universelle renvoyant à l'adoration d'un Dieu unique.Pourtant la spiritualité est du domaine des principes directeurs qui régissent la vie et ordonnent l'existence de toute chose dans l'univers et partant sur notre terre. Grâce à elle, les humains peuvent parvenir à la connaissance de la raison de toute existence et connaître le Créateur de l'univers. Par exemple, ce que nous enseigne la spiritualité c'est que les diversités de la création ont la même sources. Elle se complètent harmonieusement et s'enrichissent mutuellement.
added by Anonymous 698 days ago 0    0

This is more of an individual practice, and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. There's a great between Christianity and spirituality
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

Correct and religion usually come as the group of people come to together and forms a group which believe in one things to be supernatural and spirituality is individual believe in something not known
added by Anonymous 716 days ago 0    0

Spirituality is a solitary experience of the divine, while religion involves a group of people brought together by their common faith or beliefs about the divine. Religion aims to build one's character. It shapes one's beliefs, attitudes, and actions by giving importance to the adherence of rules. This unites people who share a religion, as they share character traits and outlooks on life. On the other hand, spirituality concentrates more on each person's individual soul.

added by Anonymous 819 days ago 0    0

Religion is an umbrella where believes come together to worship the Almighty God and for easy recoginition but spiritualityit is the way we believe and how we express our Godly ways in a humbled way which will even attract others to come and join you.
added by Anonymous 1191 days ago 1    0

Religion is a form of belief
And Spirituality is a supper natural power that drives one in an operations of belief.
added by 1001061415 1319 days ago 1    0

Once they add a suffix "ism" they convert whatever spiritual movement that was alive at the beginning into a dead religion.
added by 1000000145 1350 days ago 1    1

Religion is more about following set of rules and guidelines more or less teaches right and wrong but spirituality means you in sync with God (Relationship you have with God). We are both born of the flesh and in the spirit, the flesh does not matter but the spirit is what matters because God speaks spiritually.
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 1    0

Religion: This is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality: This is more of an individual practice, and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 2    0

Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives,whereas religions is a narrow concept with no room for other perspectives
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

Religion and spirituality are neither the same thing nor completely separate from one another. In spirituality, one may ponder, "Where do I find meaning in life, and what are my true values?" Meanwhile, in religion, common questions might be "What is the truth?" and "What is right and wrong?"
added by 1000006530 1352 days ago 1    0

religion operates in the carnal while as spirituality operates by the holy spirit the bible says in acts 1.8 and you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you.
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 0    1

Religion is where people have there own beliefs in God which are so many at the moment while spiritual is where anyone's spirit moves far away from his understanding to the reality especially to those who believes in God thinks spiritually which is unusual
added by 1000923395 1352 days ago 1    0

religion this Is where people have there own beliefs in god there are many types of religion but no matter what, we are all equal. We do all have different beliefs and spiritual involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

A religion is an organisation that believes in certain doctrines but Spiritual is a personal belief where someone mediates and is so loyal to his/her GOD, a spiritual person is a staunch believer
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

Religion is abelief with in a community why spirituality is asense of divine possession that one gets as asign of the presences of divine powers depending on what one believes in for example achristian recieves the holy spirit
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

Religion is a communal belief and practice that unites a certain group of people,. While spirituality is a sense of personal belief in something, that he or she sees that drives his or her life
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

Religion is a group of people who believe in certain things like holy books and other things following it while spiritual is a certain group of people who have a strong belief and work on it.
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

Religion is system of religious attitudes and beliefs
Spirituality is an experience of connection to something larger than you; living everyday
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 2    0

Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives, whereas religion is a narrow concept with no room for other perspectives.
added by 1001098479 1352 days ago 1    0

What's the difference between religion and spirituality?

Religion: This is a specific set of organised beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality: This is more of an individual practice, and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.

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