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don´t know how, maybe they are from another continent or space. Maybe is something to scientists study it and more.
added by Anonymous 703 days ago 0    0

They do like we who enjoy grass hoppers we observe that very well, but it depends on weather when its too much sun shine no fats, when its rain season moer fats like that.
added by Anonymous 1206 days ago 0    0

Yah an insect can get fat too but not to the extent of being fat like an elephant you can't expect a spider to fatten like a cat
added by 1001111125 1339 days ago 1    0

Insects too can get fat. But the degree of fatness can not be compared with other creatures . It's like judging the ability of a fish to climb a tree. You can not expect an insect to get fat to a level of an animal.
added by Anonymous 1343 days ago 2    0

Can insects really get fat or no?

I saw a couple days ago a few skinny bees but after one week, they got fat like a snail. I don´t know how, maybe they are from another continent or space. Maybe is something to scientists study it and more.

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No insects never grow fat. Insects can build fat reserves but they never look overweight. Their outermost layer, the exoskeleton, is a hard, protective shell that doesn't grow like our skin does when we get bigger. Adult insects don't shed this layer like when they were babies, so the fat just builds up underneath and puts pressure on the insides more and more. Some insects, to us, might look overweight, like that plump caterpillar that's eating all those new plants in your garden. It looks squishy like fat, feels spongy like fat, but it is simply the nutrient-rich storage the caterpillar larvae need to turn into a pretty butterfly during metamorphosis. It's chemically very different than your average human tummy after too many slices of pie.
While humans and insects share the same struggles after overindulging in luscious foods, we humans carry it differently thanks to our elastic-like skin as opposed to insects.
added by Anonymous 810 days ago 0    0

insects,fat,hell no
with them having a very high metabolism due to their tiny size i dont think an insect's body is legible of storng enough to make it fat
added by Anonymous 1343 days ago 2    0