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Very true that if you want to do something just do it you will learn everything in process. Very many people have failed to begin businesses due to consulting other people who have negativity on such business. They discourage you, they only show you how you are going to fail but they can't show you how you are going to benefit. They give you bad examples intead of good ones. That's why i say that if you are to start something just do as your heart tells you to do.
added by Anonymous 949 days ago 1    0

Practice makes perfection, it's only by taking action with our goals, then success can be expected because nothing can be achieved without taking action.
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 2    0

If you want to succeed take action before you let others know

Soo many people are full of negativity. So if you are to start something just start and let them know when you are already there. By the time they will be giving you their negativity you will be there and you will just have to move on.

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