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True most people are stuck in the doors of the past and this affects their future doors because they keep on referring to the past and they waste time in such a situation
added by Anonymous 932 days ago 1    0

We should always forget the past but don't forget what the past has taught you (experience) then be forcust and build your future.
added by Anonymous 932 days ago 2    0

Regrets and over thinking what happened in past is the enemy to our development so for one to develop must leave the past and move on regardless of how bad it was.
added by Anonymous 933 days ago 2    0

The only way to move on and forget the past is to demolish bridges of the past.

Once you close all doors and links of your past can let you to reach places of your destination. Failing to cut off all past especially failures and mistake can trap your life in misery forever. What we should do is to demolish bridges behind us and there will be no choice but to move forward.

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Though it's good to burn the bridges but it's not easy to forget the past because whatever happens to a person before, it becomes a learning experience and there's no person on earth without a past though it's not good to dwell on it but to be used as a learning experience.
added by Anonymous 932 days ago 1    0