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It is very true and clear fact that the education system has less impact with real life especially in Africa and there fore it seems to be a wastage of money , time and loss of opportunities . May be if the system is changed to Foster better results
added by 1001229523 901 days ago 1    0

education will have no value in 10 years to come

education is loosing value as the years go by.And with this corona virus,education is disappearing faster than expected with new learnig ways such as online lessons and learning in shifts.this has proven that within 10 yers,education will hve no use.people are now looking for ways to make money and they have forgotten about education and with this informtion age we are entering, people will hve no use for eduction as they can make money online.with this free money, eduction is disappering and there is no more use for it.

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It's depends on one's perception towards education because there's no transformed society without education though it's also depends on which type of education one gets. Education cannot be rendered useless however much scholastic education does little for the success of a person but it's still too vital to train societies with different knowledge. If you want to kill a society, destroy the education sector.
added by Anonymous 932 days ago 2    0

Education is needed to make anyone understand the technology. You can't understand technology, crypto when you are not at least educated
added by Anonymous 933 days ago 2    0