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For Manchester United to keep Endison Canvain in position of football they should allow him to play some matches such as the English Premier league matches even if he doesn't play the championship games so that would keep him the best in the match because he is always the best in the in the team as number 7 when Ronaldo doesn't play
added by Anonymous 840 days ago 1    0

Yes I agree Manchester United has to keep Endison Cavain playing in order to be fit in English premier liege because he is not playing in championship and if he will not play in English premier liege he will not help them when Christian Ronaldo will injury, so it is better to keep him playing in order if Christian Ronaldo will not be there he will cover number 7 correctly
Thank you!!
added by Anonymous 868 days ago 1    0

Manchester should actually give more salary and keep Cavani as the first number 9 ever to keep him feet and active to play better in next matches . So Cavani should olso be given the role of the Captain to lead fellows because of his maturity and experience .
added by Anonymous 900 days ago 3    0

What should Manchester United do to keep Endison Canvain in position of football.

For Manchester United to keep Endison Canvain in position of football they should allow him to play some matches such as the English Premier league matches even if he doesn't play the championship games so that would keep him the best in the match because he is always the best in the in the team as number 7 when Ronaldo doesn't play

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