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In order to live health for a long time regular consumption of water making exercise avoid junk food have positive mind enough sleep reading books etc
added by Anonymous 929 days ago 1    0

True but healthy being starts with mental health because it does nothing to follow up those guidelines when a person is mentally disorganised.
added by Anonymous 930 days ago 1    0

What to do to live healthy for along period of time.

There are many things one has to do in order to live healthy.
1.Take two glasses of water every morning. It will help the muscles to relax after squeezing them the whole night.
2. Do physicals either in the morning or evening to make the whole body active. Do not do physicals after meals.
3. Go for greens than red meat. Greens are needed by the river to filtrate other foods necessary for the body.
4. Do not engage in fights that are not concerning you. You may be injured but no compasation.
5. Do not drink and drive. You may cause accidents which may lead you to loss of your dear life or serious bodily harm.
6. Do not listen to high tuned music, it may affect your ears and you become deaf.
7. Avoid exchanging multiple partners, you may be infected with HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections.

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