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The best way is by having councilling and spending much time with friends who understand you and trying making yourself busy to avoid the bad emotions.
added by Anonymous 931 days ago 3    0

What are the best ways to reduce and depression?

I will really want to know realistic and proven ways on how to reduce stress and depression? Although am not really sure about this but someone said having sex is one of the surest ways. A friend of mine also said taking alcohol can also help

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The best way to reduce depression is to practise meditation and remember who you're the self-respect. If someone is there I will show you how it is done.
added by 1000213858 916 days ago 2    0

Alcool is not god for depression,
I think is better attend meditation groups and make exercise, like qui gong, or martial art.
It's important msntain presence on the body
added by Anonymous 919 days ago 1    0

It's by renewing of one's mindset through mental stimulus which helps to build one's thoughts is the only way how depression and stress can be treated but not just having sex and drinking alcohol because those are short cuts which doesn't solves the real cause of the problem.
added by Anonymous 931 days ago 1    0