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We're living in a dynamic world where by everything is evolving such as in age, economy, political affairs etc even humans shouldn't settle for what they had achieved but to keep on striving to better themselves continuously.
added by Anonymous 909 days ago 1    0

Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.

Many people think that what they have achieved in life especially the youths is enough. They think that it is enough. Some have given up whereas others have lost hope. But the good news to you is that, your destination is yet to come. Expect much more in the near future. God willing, just within three to six months, something big is awaiting.

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Life is only travelled once, today's memory becomes tomorrow's history. So enjoy every moment cuz the gift of life is life it's self. No body knows wat tomorrow is gonna bring or how it's gonna be. And the beauty of life is next second... which hides thousands of secrets
added by Anonymous 893 days ago 0    0