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Money is a blessing that's not advantageous to us unless we part with it. Money was intended to be a medium of exchange and it came to solve the double coincidence of wants therefore money can't solve anything unless we part with it.
added by 1001246165 699 days ago 0    0

L'argent n'est évidemment pas une fin en soi. Il ne permet de satisfaire le moindre besoin qu'en passant par l'intermédiaire des biens et services qu'il permet d'acquérir. Avoir de l'argent dans un environnement où il n'y a aucun bien ni service n'a aucune utilité.
added by 1001023909 900 days ago 0    0

Money is not an end in itself

Money is a blessing that's not advantageous to us unless we part with it. Money was intended to be a medium of exchange and it came to solve the double coincidence of wants therefore money can't solve anything unless we part with it.

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Money can solve most of the challenges of mankind. Money can help you get cured from diseases like malaria which is one the killer disease in Africa. Money can help you to be freed from prison. Money can help run the family smoothly and mainrain your wife/husband. Money indeed can solve atleast 90% of human challenges therefore money is needed in human life.
added by Anonymous 909 days ago 2    0