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It's a medium of exchange (it has to be widely accepted)

2. It's a store of value (it has to be with intrinsic value)

3. It's a unit of account

added by 1001246165 699 days ago 0    0

Yeah. That's right money acts as a medium of exchange and it's most driving this world crazy...
We are all trying to look for it thought it seems to be hard and for that reason wisdom and knowledge is needed
added by Anonymous 909 days ago 2    0

It's real that money is acceptable worldwide coz is being used whether in the village or city center. It's being used by either young ones or adults and it's enjoyable to all sectors and it does not segregate among the genders or races, use money to for assets, we use money for paying for the brides
added by Anonymous 909 days ago 3    0

It is true that money is a medium of exchange for goods and service. Without money nothing can go on. We use money to buy all households. We also use money to be transported from one place to another for example from one country to another. Money is a store of value in that we use money to buy land, vehicles, we also pay bride price using money. So, money is a legal tender.
added by Anonymous 909 days ago 3    0

Do we know the functions of money.

Money has different functions such as;

1. It's a medium of exchange (it has to be widely accepted)

2. It's a store of value (it has to be with intrinsic value)

3. It's a unit of account

4. It's a standard of deferred for payment.

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