There is alot of hurricanes specially in the summer, i think there is a way to stop it. In my opinion these countries should try to drop a nuclear bomb to stop these hurricanes of making damage, i am pretty sure that it would work, i can feel it and more.
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The heat and energy given off by a nuclear bomb would disrupt the composition of the hurricane and its potentially devastating buzz-sawing motion but a bomb can't produce enough energy to destroy a hurricane. The magnitude of the power that is generated by hurricanes is so large and you would not disrupt it with a bomb very much or for very long, Probably what you would end up with is a radioactive hurricane, which would make it worse.
added by Anonymous 1019 days ago
how come you are not looking at the long term after effects of nuclear explosion ?! It would be a trial and error not worth considering.
added by Anonymous 1547 days ago
Hurricanes are natural occurrences, art of God, and cannot be controlled by any human power. A bomb is the handwork of man. There is therefore no human invention that can stop hurricanes.
added by 1000114031 1550 days ago
nuclear bomb to stop these hurricanes of making damage, i am pretty sure that it would work, i can feel it and more.
added by Anonymous 911 days ago 0 0
I will believe that a nu clear bomb can stop Hurricane because it has many outcomes and mostly in the Summer
added by 1001111125 1547 days ago 3 0