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True because we can't deviate from who we're and what we're is determined by our characters that either attracts or repels other people to our side.
added by Anonymous 892 days ago 0    0

Life is funny..
People may like u for the good deeds and others may hate u in return. There are three major things that can make people love you or hate u; the promises, friendship and love. When these three break then people will hate u.
added by Anonymous 892 days ago 0    0

For sure when it come to real life and in the community where we recide what we usually do determines a lot to those who around us either to love us or hate.
Therefore we should always be careful while dealing with people.
added by Anonymous 893 days ago 0    0

What you do makes people to trust you or to hate you

To have friendship with people or people to trust you or to hate you depends on what you do. Some can hate you for nothing and can hate you with a reason.good things you do to people or the way you behave can make people to love you and if you do bad things can also make them to hate you

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