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Is there factors that enables people to remain poor or to stay poor and not progress.

There's various ways that can help one to be financially successful but there's also various ways that enables a person to remain poor and these includes;

1. Don't plan for your money and don't plan for your spending, whenever you get money, spend it the way it comes

2. Don't wake up early, wake up late or sleep late or you can sleep early but wake up late because you won't be able to meet with appointments.

3. Don't answer phone calls and don't ask for other people's numbers on particular occasions such as parties.

4. Be in debts without paying

5. Promise without fulfilling

6. Don't save money until you have enough money.

7. Don't think of starting any business

8. Your expenditure should exceed your income.

9. Give your wife and children whatever they ask for.

10. Be in competition with someone such as friends or family members.

11. Produce very many children and many wivies

12. Break agreements

13. Buy second hand vehicle which takes a lot of fuel and it's spare parts is in not easily found.

14. Try not to find anything useful or developmental in your surrounding environment hence when those factors are utilised, it's a free ticket to remain poor without progressing in life.

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